You are going on a FAMILY vacation, so you want to ski as a FAMILY, right? It will be so fun, everyone learning together, spending the entire day skiing as a family and exploring the mountain with your very own private ski instructor. Yes! It will be amazing, but there are some instances where booking your entire family into private lesson together is not the best option.

Here are some things you should know and expectations you should have when booking a family private lesson:

1. Expect to ski at the lowest ability of your group

This the probably the most important thing to consider before booking a family private lesson. If one of your kids can already ski blue runs and the other is skiing for the first time this option is probably not the best because let's be honest, nobody wants to spend their entire holiday in the beginner zone watching someone else learn.

A good option could be to put the beginner with the instructor while the rest of the family skis together (or possibly with another instructor). You can all meet for lunch and again at the end of the day to do a few runs with everyone as a family.

2. If you have younger kids, expect a slower pace

While your instructor will also be giving you tips and helping you improve (if you want), the main focus will likely be on the younger kids. Expect lots of games, rest stops, snowball fights and snack breaks. Kids need more breaks and games to keep skiing fun and we all know that if the kids aren't having fun, nobody is!

If you want to ski at a faster pace, you can split off from the kids for a couple runs and join back in or have your own instructor. Again you can meet for lunch and do runs on and off with the kids throughout the day. This way everyone gets to ski at their own pace, do things they like and everyone gets to ski together for part of the day.

3. Expect to compromise

Not everyone likes to ski the same things! Your kids might love moguls and you might hate them, they probably love the terrain park and you probably hate it. You should expect to compromise on which runs to do so everyone gets to do something they enjoy. 

Family private lessons work amazingly for some families, especially when everyone is around the same level and like to ski similar things. For others, splitting the instructor throughout the day, hiring multiple instructors or taking group lessons are a better option. 


Hey! I'm Jen, nice to meet you! I am a Whistler local and family ski instructor dedicated to helping you plan the perfect family holiday!

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